How To Play

Anallegories is a creative thinking and debating card game that provides laughter and fun for 3 or more players.


What’s an Anallegory? First, some definitions.

Analogy:  a comparison of two things typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.

Allegory: a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning.

Put them together and you get Anallegories!


Setting Up

    1. Open the pack and separate the “word” cards from the “question mark” cards.
    2. Shuffle the deck of “word” cards.
    3. Make two piles in the middle of the table, one with “word” cards turned face down, so that the words aren’t exposed. The other showing the “question mark” cards.


    Starting the Game

      1. There should be at least three teams. Each team will have one or more players. The more players on a team, and the more teams you have, the more laughs you’ll have during the game.
      2. For each round, one of the teams will be the “Judging” team and the other teams will compete against each other.
      3. After one round is over, switch the teams, so a different team is the “Judging” team for each round. Continue rotating the “Judging” team throughout the entire game.


      Playing the Game

        1. To start a round, someone on the “Judging” team turns over 3 “word” cards and lays them face up in a row on the table. Then, place a “Question Mark” card after the last word card.
        2. Someone on the “Judging” team should read the words out loud as if it is an analogy. The above example would be read: “Fish is to Heart as Mountain is to blank.”
        3. The words must be compared in the order in which they were laid down.  Card 1 is to Card 2 as Card 3 is to ? Don’t rearrange the word cards after flipping them.
        4. The “Competing” teams quietly work together to come up with a word that completes the blank and comes up with an explanation (story) of why their word works best. The members of a team can talk quietly among themselves while they come up with a solution.
        5. The players on the Judging team get to select the one word and explanation that they think best completes the analogy. “Competing” teams are encouraged to state their case, for why theirs is the best solution. 
        6. The winning team is awarded the “question mark” card.
        7. After a round is over, take all the face up cards and place them in a discard pile.
        8. Now, rotate to the next “Judging” team and start a new round.
        9. Game play continues as long as the fun continues. 
        10. The first team to 8 question mark cards or whichever team has the most when there are none left is the winner.


        Want to play again? Take all the cards from the discard pile, shuffle them, and put them back in the “word” card pile. Every time you play, you can get a different combination of words for a new analogy.

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